Chopra Kamala Paul Smriti Mahavidyalaya

Core Value

Our Core Values

Chopra Kamala Paul Smriti Mahavidyalaya cherishes the following core values which we believe, if imbibed, will help our students grow not only in their professional lives but also as human beings:

Investment in Human Resource

Our students are our greatest strength. We think every human being has some inherent qualities, which should be nurtured to help those qualities blossom in life. With this motto in mind, we interact with our students and try to encourage and inspire them to excel in life. We believe in Swami Vivekananda’s idea of education: “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man.”

Striving for Excellence

Our college strives for excellence not only in academic pursuits, but also in all fields that it explores. We instill in our students the desire to reach perfection in whatever they do. We think that all activities should be approached with equal sincerity. We train our students to get focused in their field of work since we believe that disciplined hard work is the only key to success.

Honesty is the Best Policy

We believe in absolute honesty not only in professional life but also in interpersonal relationships. We inculcate the value of truthfulness and integrity in our students so that they do not abrogate the path of righteousness in their lives. We think that while we strive to reach the goal in life, under all circumstances the means to reach the goal is more important than the goal itself.

Social Responsibility

Education cannot be completed if it does not cater to the needs of the society. This idea of education is the key principle of the education policy in our college. Hence, we promote the value of community service amongst our students. At the same time, we inculcate the ideas of gender equality and social inclusiveness so that our students evolve into responsible citizens in future.

Nurturing Liberal Values

By “liberal values”, we mean an open-minded and tolerant approach to new ideas and diverse perspectives. We think that in this rapidly changing world, students need to embrace a willingness to accept change, as well as a commitment to inclusivity and pluralism.

Respect for the Natural Environment

In this era of climate change and global warming, the need to recognize and develop a close relationship between people and the Mother Earth is of paramount importance to secure a sustainable future for our next generation. Hence, we try to foster a sense of love for nature in our students so that they take positive steps for the conservation of the flora and fauna of this region.
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