Career Counseling
Career Counseling
Career Guidance is a comprehensive counseling program designed to assist students in selecting the optimal career path aligned with their educational background, professional interests, and personal aspirations. It is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the knowledge, skills, information, and experience to identify career options available. In India, awareness, and information about various career options available to students passing out of school are limited. The culture of going to a career advisor is almost non-existent. Most students are familiar with fewer than ten traditional career options, such as engineering, medicine, law, finance, IT, and others. In contrast, there are more than 250 career options available today. In other words, the awareness levels of many career options are very low in the majority of students. A career advisor or counselor is an expert in exploring students’ skill sets and interest levels and suggesting a balanced solution combining the merits of both. The career advisor relies on career interest or aptitude tests as part of the discovery process to identify factors influencing career interests, abilities, and values. In essence, a career advisor sets realistic career goals for each student. Our college has introduced Career Guidance Cell in the interest of students in the year of 2018.